Recipe: Banana Muffins
Hello! Martha here, reporting banana muffins.
2 banana muffins on a plate, in my tummy soon
I made them, because I wanted to put something else on my blog. I made them after breakfast and we had them for morning snack. I chose bananas because they are one of my favourite fruits, and we had some. They don’t have any dairy in them. They were easy to make and we used one fork and one spoon and one bowl. I sprinkled gorilla (granola) on top to make it crunchy. My Mum has written the recipe for me (and you).
- 1 medium banana
- 1 small egg
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 3 tbsp sugar
- 6 tbsp self raising flour
- 3 tbsp granola
Start with a banana

Mashing the banana

Before they were cooked

After they were cooked. This one is the biggest one - my one!

Smelling the yummy smell [Ed - face was further from the muffins than it looks!]